Patient Group Statement on GP Collective Action

Following discussion at our August Patient Group meeting, the group published a statement endorsing our GPs taking part in the BMA collective action initiative.


Beechwood Medical Practice Patient Participation Group

The Patient Participation Group met on 20th August 2024.  At the meeting the following statement from the Bristol PPG Forum in support of GP Action was discussed. 

On the 27th of July GPs represented by the British Medical Association voted  to take collective action in pursuit of an improved contract with the government so that they will have sufficient resources to deliver services to their patients. The General Medical Council conducted a survey recently which revealed that GPs are near the 'breaking point' and indicated that almost 20 per cent said they were cutting their hours and 40 per cent not prepared to take extra duties to avoid being 'burnt out'. In short, GPs' workloads are affecting the morale and well being of OUR GPs.

 Therefore, members of the Bristol PPG Forum express our support for the efforts of GPs in the area to secure the resources to enable them to provide the services patients need. We are confident that whatever action the GPs take will not affect patient care and safety.

Beechwood Medical Practice Patient Participation Group wish to endorse the above statement of support for GP Action.  Without question we wholly support our GPs and recognise their struggle to provide the sufficient services with the funding they receive.  We have fantastic GPs at this practice who absolutely put their patients first and we need to ensure that we support them in their time of need.

Cheryl Benson

Chair PPG